Category Archives: recipe of the week

Итонская мешанина 16.08.2016

Итонская мешанина
Если вы мечтаете познакомиться с настоящей английской кухней, но в голову не приходит ничего, кроме овсянки, то пора разрушить стереотипы. Леди и джентльмены, встречайте – Итонская мешанина! Этот изысканный десерт ежегодно подают во время соревнований по крикету между двумя знаменитыми британскими школами – Итон и Хэрроу. В этом замечательном блюде соединились три любимых всеми продукта – безе, клубника и взбитые сливки. Но что особенно приятно, это действительно самая настоящая мешанина! Нет никаких требований к сервировке – главное в этом десерте вкус, а не подача. Безе можно приготовить заранее или даже купить готовое – в этом случае уберите из списка требуемых ингредиентов яичные белки и сахар, и пропустите первые шесть пунктов в описании способа приготовления.
  1. Клубника 500 гр.
  2. Сахарная пудра 1 ст. л.
  3. Жирные сливки для взбивания 500 мл.
  4. Яичные белки 3 шт.
  5. Сахар 180 гр.
  6. Ликер Крем де Кассис (если есть) 1 ч. л.
  7. Листья мяты и/или другие ягоды и фрукты для украшения
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  1. Аккуратно отделите яичные белки от желтков.
  2. Разогрейте духовку до 110/120⁰C, смажьте растительным маслом противень и положите в него пекарскую бумагу.
  3. В чистой сухой миске взбейте белки до образования устойчивых пиков.
  4. Добавьте 2/3 сахара и продолжайте взбивать белки. Когда сахар растворится, добавьте остальной сахар и аккуратно перемешайте белки сухой лопаточкой.
  5. Ложкой выложите белки на противень так, чтобы получилось 6 небольших горок.
  6. Выпекайте безе в духовке в течение полутора-двух часов. Затем выньте противень из духовки. Безе должно получиться твердым снаружи и слегка тягучим внутри. Переложите лист с безе на решетку и дайте ему остыть.
  7. Возьмите 250 гр. клубники и разрежьте ягоды на половинки. Остальные 250 гр. клубники смешайте с сахарной пудрой и взбейте в блендере до однородности.
  8. Взбейте сливки, а затем разломайте безе на крупные кусочки. Осторожно смешайте взбитые сливки, безе и порезанную на половинки клубнику. Добавьте ликер Крем де Кассис (если есть) в клубничное пюре и вылейте 2/3 пюре в смесь сливок, безе и клубники. Аккуратно перемешайте десерт таким образом, чтобы в клубничное пюре образовало в нем прожилки, как в мраморе.
  9. Разложите десерт в широкие бокалы или вазочки. Полейте каждую порцию оставшимся клубничным пюре. Украсьте листьями мяты и/или другими фруктами и подавайте на стол.
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Vegetarian Lasagna Recipe 28.06.2016

Vegetarian Lasagna Recipe
Pasta is the nearest road that leads you to Italy without travelling for real. Macaroni with cheese, spaghetti with Bolognese sauce, pasta with basilica and mozzarella, and... Yep, we thought of lasagna! These are the favorite "sins" to all goumands. Many people say that if someone “deviates” from the basic recipes, the Italian chefs would get angry or offended. So, today we’re risking to be judged by an Italian chef by sharing with you a vegetarian lasagna recipe.
Ingredients for the Béchamel sauce
  1. Flour 40 g
  2. Butter 40 g
  3. Milk 500 ml
  4. Salt
  5. Black pepper
Filling ingredients
  1. Mushrooms 700 g
  2. White cheese 250 g
  3. Spinach (boiled) 500 g
  4. Lasagna sheets 500 g
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Béchamel sauce
  1. Melt the butter in a pan at a low heat. When it starts to make foam, add the flour and let it cook for 5 minutes. Through all the time stir quickly with a wooden spoon.
  2. Pour half of the milk and mix it thoroughly. Then, add the rest of milk and stirring it, try to get a homogeneous mixture without lumps.
  3. Add the spices, mix again ad put aside.
Filling and lasagna
  1. Chop the mushrooms and crush the white cheese, then mix them well and add your favourite spices (for example, dried garlic and pepper, dried basilica and grated Indian nuts).
  2. Brush the pan for lasagna with butter. With a spoon, put the béchamel sauce to the bottom of the pan and arrange the first row of lasagna sheets.
  3. Put leafs of boiled spinach over the lasagna sheets and add the mushroom/cheese filling. Cover this filling with béchamel sauce, then add one more row of lasagna sheets.
  4. Repeat the steps two more times. Put the sauce abundantly on the last row and add a little water to make lasagna soft.
  5. Cover the pan with aluminium foil and bake on 250°C for 30 minutes.
  6. Serve while it’s hot.
  1. Don’t overdo with butter, because it very easily steals the flavor of the filling.
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Blueberry Crumble 21.06.2016

Blueberry Crumble
Perfect for a Sunday brunch, a picnic in the park, or a special celebration, this blueberry crumble will disappear faster than you can say “yum!”. You can actually substitute the blueberries for another fruit, such as strawberries, raspberries, or rhubarb.
  1. Walnuts (chopped) ¼ c
  2. Old-fashioned oats (not quick oats) ¼ c
  3. Cinnamon ¼ t
  4. Flour 1 c plus 3 T
  5. Light brown sugar ⅓ c
  6. Unsalted butter 4 T
  7. Blueberries 2 ½ lbs.
  8. Sugar ⅔ c
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  1. Preheat oven to 400 F. In a large bowl, combine the walnuts, oats, cinnamon, butter, brown sugar, ¾ cup flour, and 1 tablespoon sugar.
  2. Place the mixture into a large blender or food processor and pulse until coarse and crumbly (not fine). Reserve.
  3. Place the blueberries on a baking sheet and cover them with ½ cup of sugar and 3 tablespoons flour. Pour the crumble mixture on top in an even layer.
  4. Bake for 30-40 minutes, adding the rest of sugar halfway through.
  5. Remove from oven and serve warm, with or without ice cream.
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Lemon Cake with Yogurt and Frosting 14.06.2016

Lemon Cake with Yogurt and Frosting
With the weather getting warmer, the flowers blooming, and the fruits ripening, you can look forward to some delicious summertime desserts! Paired with a nice cup of coffee or tea, this light and fluffy dessert will leave you in food paradise.
  1. All-purpose flour 1 ½ c
  2. Baking powder 2 t
  3. Kosher salt ½ t
  4. Plain yogurt (whole milk) 1 c
  5. Sugar 1 ⅓ c
  6. Eggs 3
  7. Lemon zest (grated) 2 t
  8. Vanilla extract ½ t
  9. Vegetable oil ½ c
  10. Lemon juice ⅓ c plus 2 T
  11. Confectioner’s sugar 1 c
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  1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Butter or oil a loaf pan and line it with parchment paper.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the baking powder and salt; sift in the flour. In a separate bowl, stir together the yogurt, eggs, vanilla, lemon zest, and one cup of sugar.
  3. Slowly fold the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. Add the vegetable oil and thoroughly mix everything together until there are no dry lumps.
  4. Pour the batter into the lined loaf pan and bake for 50 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
  5. To make the frosting, mix ⅓ cup of lemon juice and ⅓ cup of sugar; add the mixture to a saucepan and heat on medium-high until the sugar dissolves and you have a clear mixture. Reserve for later.
  6. Combine 2 tablespoons lemon juice and the confectioner’s sugar to create a glaze.
  7. Remove the loaf cake from the oven and let cool on counter for 10 minutes. Pour the reserved frosting over the cake. Add the glaze and serve.
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Rich, Moist Carrot Cake Recipe 31.05.2016

carrot cake recipe

What better comfort food on a rainy afternoon than melt-in the mouth, flavoursome carrot cake, with a steaming cup of coffee? Carrot cake is a timeless classic, with recipes for cakes using the wonderful sweetness of carrots going back at least as far back as Roman times.

Rather than adding a shop-bought carrot cake to your grocery list, it is far healthier, tastier, and more satisfying to bake one yourself. This recipe makes a deliciously rich and moist cake with a crispy, almost chewy crust. It will still taste fresh several days after baking if kept in an airtight tin. The cake is quick and easy to make and tastes wonderful!
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Shortbread Bites 24.05.2016

Shortbread Bites
A staple on just about everyone’s shopping list, butter is a great item to have on hand for a variety of dishes. Let’s get the butter ball rolling and cook yummy shortbread bites!
  1. Unsalted butter 1 stick
  2. Egg yolk 1
  3. Sugar ¼ c
  4. All-purpose flour 1 c
  5. Baking powder ⅛ t
  6. Salt ⅛ t or less
  7. Fruit preserves or jam ⅓ c
  8. Powdered sugar for garnish
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  1. In a large bowl, add the stick of butter. Use a hand mixer to beat the butter until it is light and fluffy. Carefully incorporate the egg yolk and sugar until everything is thoroughly mixed together.
  2. In a separate bowl, add the baking powder, salt, and flour. While mixing the butter mixture, slowly add the dry ingredients until thoroughly combined.
  3. Shape the dough into a large cylinder. Store in freezer for a minimum of 3 hours.
  4. When you’re ready to bake, preheat your oven to 350 F. Take the dough cylinder and grate off about half of the dough, placing the pieces at the bottom of a baking dish to form a base. Spread some fruit preserves or jam over this, but leave a border of about ½ on all sides. Grate the rest of the dough cylinder and place the pieces over the preserves or jam.
  5. Bake for about 30 to 40 minutes, or until the shortbread bites are a nice golden brown. Remove from oven and cool before sprinkling with powdered sugar and serving.
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Perfect Pork Vietnamese Hoagie 17.05.2016

Perfect Pork Vietnamese Hoagie
Savory, seasoned meatballs, a warm and toasty baguette, and sweet and spicy mayo...honestly, we are salivating just thinking about it! These are all elements of the wonderful Vietnamese pork hoagie. It is traditionally called a banh mi, but we prefer to call this sandwich pure bliss! It is a favorite for those who are on the go, so maybe you can pack it for a weekday lunch. Add these ingredients to your shopping list, and get cooking!
  1. Daikon radish 1 ½ c
  2. Carrots (thinly sliced) 1 ½ c
  3. Jalapenos (sliced) 2
  4. Sugar 2 T plus 2 t
  5. Salt ½ t
  6. Sesame oil 2 t
  7. Rice vinegar 3 T
  8. Ground pork 1 lb.
  9. Cilantro 2 T
  10. Basil 2 T
  11. Parsley 2 T
  12. Scallion (chopped) 1
  13. Garlic (minced) 3 cloves
  14. Fish sauce 1 T
  15. Sriracha 1 T
  16. Cornstarch 1 T
  17. Black pepper to taste
  18. Baguette
  19. Sriracha mayo
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  1. In a small bowl, toss together the carrots and the daikon radish. Set aside for at least one hour so they get pickled.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the ground pork, the herbs and spices, the fish sauce, sriracha, and cornstarch. Use your hands to make sure everything is incorporated together, then form little balls (about the size of a golf ball.)
  3. Drizzle some oil in a large skillet and saute the pork meatballs in small batches until they are cooked all the way through. Transfer them to a paper towel to soak up any excess oil.
  4. Slice and toast your baguette. Place some of the spicy mayo on one half of the baguette and line up some pork meatballs on top. Add some of the pickled daikon carrots, jalapenos, and fresh chopped cilantro. Place the other half of the baguette on top and enjoy!
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Restaurant Style, Delicious Tiramisu 10.05.2016

Restaurant Style, Delicious Tiramisu
This popular coffee flavored Italian dessert is scrumptious to eat while being extremely simple to make. Making a perfect batch of Tiramisu needs very few ingredients to be added to your grocery list and a very simple process to be followed. It is almost hard to get it wrong and is sure to be a hit, always!
For the coffee dip
  1. Strong brewed espresso 1 ½ cups
  2. Sugar 2 tsp.
For the zabaglione (cream) filling
  1. Egg yolks 4
  2. Mascarpone cheese 450 gr. or 2 packs
  3. Sugar ½ cup
  4. Marsala wine/ coffee liqueur (substitute with any sweet wine or skip) ½ cup
  5. Heavy whipping cream 350 gr. or 1.5 cups
For the layers
  1. Ladyfinger cookies 35-40
  2. Unsweetened cocoa powder 2 tbsp.
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Making the Tiramisu
  1. First brew strong espresso, transfer to a wide mouthed bowl and add in the sugar.
  2. Prepare the zabaglione cream by beating the egg yolk in a double boiler or in a heat proof bowl placed over a pan of simmering water. Beat the eggs till they turn fluffy and become darker in color and then beat in the sugar and the Marsala wine.
  3. Beat until the mixture thickens and you can see small bubbles beginning to appear.
  4. In a mixing bowl mash the mascarpone cheese till it’s creamy and smooth. Add the zabaglione cream to the cheese and mix well.
  5. Whip cream and fold it into the mascarpone cheese mixture.
Assembling the Tiramisu
  1. Lightly soak the ladyfingers in the coffee dip prepared in step 1. Make sure to just dip the ladyfingers on both sides for a few seconds and to not over soak the cookies.
  2. Place these coffee dipped ladyfingers next to each other in a deep container which is approximately 12 x 8 inches.
  3. Spread half of the zabaglione mix over the ladyfingers. Smoothen the cream to form a neat layer.
  4. Repeat another layer of ladyfingers. Dip about 20 ladyfingers in coffee, and spread them out next to each other over the zabaglione layer.
  5. Spread the remaining zabaglione mix on the top. Smoothen and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or preferably overnight.
  6. Sprinkle with unsweetened cocoa before serving. And voila, your delicious Italian dessert is ready to be savored.
  1. Make sure the mascarpone cheese is at room temperature. Leave it to rest on the kitchen counter an hour or so before you begin the rest of the process.
  2. The authentic tiramisu uses raw egg yolks. But in order to avoid the risk of salmonella poisoning this recipe recommends using a double boiler or placing the bowl over a pan of simmering water.
  3. The key is to refrigerate undisturbed. Don’t be tempted to sample your tiramisu until it has spent at least 4 hours in the refrigerator.
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Awesome Asian Avocado Smoothie 03.05.2016

Awesome Asian Avocado Smoothie
What could be better to wash down your delicious meaty meals than a delightful Asian-style avocado smoothie?
  1. Avocado 1
  2. Condensed milk ¼ c
  3. Sugar 2 T
  4. Ice 1 c
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  1. Peel and pit the avocado and slice it.
  2. In a food processor or blender, combine the avocado, condensed milk, sugar, and ice. Pulse and then puree until a thick and smooth consistency forms. Enjoy!
  1. Sometimes, we don’t always know how to choose the right avocado for our recipes. So use these tips to help you out next time you hit the supermarket!
  2. • Choose an avocado that is soft, but not too soft.
  3. • Check out the stem of the avocado and look underneath it to determine its ripeness. If the “button” under the stem is brown, then the avocado it is overripe. If it is green, pick that one because it is at the perfect ripeness!
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Butter Chicken 26.04.2016

Butter Chicken
Yum, who doesn’t love butter or chicken? That is what we’re going to give you today: a butter-based recipe that will have your friends and families salivating!
  1. Unsalted butter ¼ lb.
  2. Full-fat Greek yogurt 1 ½ c
  3. Lemon juice 2 T
  4. Turmeric 1 ½ T
  5. Garam masala 2 T
  6. Cumin 2 T
  7. Chicken thighs 3 lbs.
  8. Vegetable oil 4 t
  9. Yellow onions (diced) 2
  10. Garlic (minced) 4 cloves
  11. Fresh ginger (minced) 3 T
  12. Cumin seeds 1 T
  13. Cinnamon stick 1
  14. Tomatoes (diced) 2
  15. Jalapeno pepper (deseeded and diced) 1
  16. Salt to taste
  17. Chicken stock ⅔ c
  18. Cream 1 ½ c
  19. Tomato paste 1 ½ t
  20. Almonds (chopped) 3 T
  21. Cilantro ½ bunch
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  1. In a large bowl, combine the yogurt, lemon juice, and first 3 spices; whisk. Add the chicken and coat thoroughly with mixture. Cover and set aside to marinate.
  2. Heat the vegetable oil in a large pot over medium heat and melt the butter in it. Add the onions and cook until caramelized. Then add the garlic, ginger, and cumin seeds.
  3. Toss in the tomatoes, the cinnamon stick, the jalapeno, and some salt; cook 10 minutes.
  4. Now add the marinade and chicken; cook 5 minutes. Pour in the chicken stock and bring to a boil. Turn down to a simmer; cook uncovered for ½ hour.
  5. Continue simmering while you add the tomato paste and cream. Cook 15 minutes more.
  6. Finally, add the almonds; cook 5 minutes. Garnish with cilantro.
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