Category Archives: shopping

Grocery Shopping Tips: How to Select and Buy Bread 20.03.2015

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If walking down the bread aisle feels like trying to decipher a calculus equation, we are here to help you with a little food nutrition guide 101. Perhaps a little more than a decade ago, you didn’t need to be an astrophysicist to bring home the bread literally. Now, just like the ways of earning a living has changed, you know earning some bread, buying bread has also changed. Nowadays, people are much more self-aware about the foods they choose to put in their bodies. The buzz word is choice. This article sheds some light on some healthy tips and smart shopping to help you keep some of those hard-earned dollars where they belong – your pockets. Shopping on a budget is a skill that can be mastered. Part math to fit your budget, and art to determine the best fit bread for yourself and your family’s needs. Learning how to spend less on groceries is a talent worth nurturing, after all, you have to grocery shop for life.
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Tips and Tricks for Shopping Smart and Buying the Freshest Fish 17.03.2015


You’re smart, so you know that fish is a healthy alternative to meat. You know that there is a variety to choose from; there’s salmon, blue fish, perch, and tuna to name a few. But how do you go grocery shopping for fish that is fresh and won’t bust your family shopping budget? Smart food shopping is never easy and shopping for fish can be intimidating. But don’t worry! Read our tips on buying fresh seafood and you will become a fish shopping guru.
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Shop Smart with Grocery List Strategies: What not to Buy in Bulk 10.03.2015

If you want to save on foods, start at the beginning – with your shopping list.

Smart shopping is all about strategy and flexibility. Shopping on a budget may have you thinking, “bulk bulk bulk!” but that is not always the best plan. To really start saving money, you’ll have to shop smart, too. There are many effective grocery shopping tips already out there, and here’s another you may want to try.

Whether you’re a member of a wholesale chain or not, this plan may help you feel more at ease and ready to start saving money while shopping smart. Use this plan as a guideline for how to organize your grocery list. It works by separating your list into three main categories: the Must Haves, the Get Ifs, and the Treats.
And which is worth buying in bulk?

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Scent Marketing Can Make Differences: Smells that Sell 06.03.2015


Today’s consumers go smart shopping and are in constant hunting for the best possible goods and service, that is competitive price alone cannot draw in smart consumers or satisfy them. Consumers today are not only keen on saving money but also benefiting family life too. They don’t want to just take advantage of coupons or promotions in order to save on foods but be part of consumer culture.
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What to Watch out for When Creating a Shopping List: Free Range Products Myth 04.03.2015

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In today’s world, people are becoming more and more aware of the importance of having good, healthy food on the table, and trusting everything you hear on ads or read on labels is not such a smart thing to do. For a healthy meal, we usually try and look for foods that are “all natural”, “organic” and “free range”, but we are not always aware of how misleading that can be. We are not simply talking about mass production of animals that are designed for slaughter, but we are talking about animals that are denied of their natural habitat, their natural behavior, and are tortured and mistreated only to get to your nearest store fast enough. In all of the human history, there has been a delicate bond between a hunter and its prey, which gave dignity even to the animal that would end up as someone’s meal.
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Hot new version of “Buy Me a Pie!” for iOS 7: more features in your favorite shopping list app! 16.05.2014

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If anyone ever tells you that pies can’t grow – do not believe it. They definitely can! We believe it’s high time to enhance the functionality of our “Buy Me a Pie!” shopping list for iOS 7, so today we are releasing the new version, that surpasses all the previous versions. Want to know what secret ingredients we’ve added to “Buy Me a Pie!” to make it delicacy? Or, maybe, would like to find a way to get it free of change? Читать дальше “Hot new version of “Buy Me a Pie!” for iOS 7: more features in your favorite shopping list app!” »

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Meet “Buy Me a Pie!” for Android! 22.08.2013

Buy Me a Pie! android

You’ve been waiting for so long and so patiently, and today we are happy to announce that “Buy Me a Pie!” for Android is available for download in Google Play! The Android version of “Buy Me a Pie!” is compatible with the iOS version of the application, which means you can make shopping lists and share them with your family and friends on Android and iOS devices as well as on the site.

Download “Buy Me a Pie! Grocery List Pro” for Android

Download “Buy Me a Pie! Grocery List” for Android (without synchronization)
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How often to shop? Plan your time and money. 16.08.2013

smart shopping

Do we really love popping into the market every day or two to pick up fresh produce, something the kids requested for dinner or something we forgot? Don’t you ever think to yourself, “How I wish I could do this just once a week!”

And really, if you add up the time you spend driving, parking, shopping, loading bags into the car, pulling bags out of the car—you are probably spending an extra 3-5 hours a week shopping that you could be spending relaxing with your family. Impulse shopping is also much, much more expensive than planned shopping.

It is entirely possible to limit the amount of time and money you spend shopping with just a little bit of planning. With the help of standardized pantry lists and a little mental reprogramming, you can become a shopping wizard.
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Why Do People Shoplift? 07.08.2013



We talk about shopping a lot here at “Buy Me A Pie!”. That makes sense since “Buy Me A Pie!” is a grocery list app. But there is a side of shopping and stores that isn’t frequently talked about.


Often, when you think about shoplifting you think of criminals who steal to sell the items for profit out on the streets, including to fund a drug habit. But this group accounts for only about 3 percent of shoplifters. There are several reasons beyond that why people shoplift.
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