Category Archives: shopping

5 Most Misleading “Healthy” Food Terms 13.05.2015

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In today’s world, the population is increasing exponentially month after month, and since everyone has to eat, the food industry has created numerous methods in order to generate more food with the same amount of raw materials. More and more chemicals are added into meat, vegetables and fruits, so we don’t really have healthy food on the market, unless we specifically look for it. Instead of a healthy meal, most of the time we will find lower priced, genetically modified processed food. The bad part about it is that in order to have a healthy family, you do need to find out about the misleading food terms that you can encounter when you go shopping, and in this article we will focus on the most important ones.
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The best and worst time for grocery shopping 02.05.2015

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Groceries are an important part of our meals, and because of that we need to do whatever it takes in order to try and include them in our meals as often as possible. The best way to do such a thing is by ensuring that we go and get them at the right time. Yes, one of the most important grocery tips that will help you shop smart is to try and buy groceries at the right time, as this is what will help you especially if you are shopping on a budget.

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Formally Approved Products: Are They Really Safe? 28.04.2015

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Back in 2008, a food corporation in Australia wanted the go-ahead from the United States’ government for their brand-new food additives, but they were rejected. However, it is hard to shop smart in America with shelves full of comestibles containing additives.

It most certainly poses the question: how to grocery shop with these “new” ingredients making their way from mysterious test tubes to your home’s kitchen?
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Healthy Diet Plans and Tips for a Long and Healthy Living 24.04.2015

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Many people wrongly believe that the cause of their poor health is due to their bad genetics or sometimes, just a mere bad luck. The truth is, you already have nearly complete control over your wellbeing or health and that is by eating healthy foods or diet plans. Whether you believe this or not, the foods you are eating or ingested by your body are mainly the prime responsible for your overall fitness state and health.

Good healthy habits or healthy meals can overcome what you think “back luck” and “bad genetics” anytime. Here are some healthy tips to start you on the right track on eating healthy foods for a long and healthy living.
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How Long Does Milk Last? 17.04.2015

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Milk is a nutritious dairy that is found among meals that are consumed by many people all over the world. It is one of those sources we derive from protein for our body. Healthy meal is not complete without a milk in it and rightly so. The contributions of milk to a healthy family cannot be underestimated and it will continue to be favorite healthy meal for many people and undisputed family food. As popular and useful milk is, it has rather short time to stay on the shelf compare with other products. However many people, including even some nutritionists, do not agree on life span of milk. Perhaps, the fact that there are various ways of storing milk to last longer contribute to diverging views on this matter. As a matter of fact, agreeing on the life span of milk is not an easy task. Besides, various studies have been giving conflicting healthy tips to people which have not actually helped shoppers to determine the life span of milk. However, despite this challenge, it is comforting to know that it is not actually difficult to know how long milk can last. Let us examine some facts.

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5 Healthiest Grains 14.04.2015

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Diversifying your diet is the best way to have a healthy family and obtain the best possible results through clean eating. One of the most interesting methods that you can use in order to live a longer life and maintain your overall health is to include grains in your diet. Simply put, with the help of grains you can literally burn the fat in your body and promote health, which will lead to a better sense of self-confidence and astounding results for you as a whole.
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Buying spices: what, where and how much? 03.04.2015


Eating well is one of the most important things in our lives, because it gives us energy and thus the day to day activities are much easier. At the same time, getting some healthy food for your family meal is important. But while eating raw food is a good idea, from millennia now people have started to use spices in order to enrich the taste of their food. Few things have changed since then, because even the way we prepare spices, with the mortar and pestle, has remained roughly the same. What has changed is the way we combine them with food and the astounding results that we obtain as a whole thanks to this!

Buying spices can be quite challenging at first, because there are so many flavors out there, and this is exactly why we have created this small guide to help you get the spices you need.
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Healthy Grocery Shopping Tips: Fresh versus Frozen 24.03.2015

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A healthy family means preparing healthy meals throughout the week.  But fresh produce can be expensive, especially in the winter months. How can you buy healthy food without draining your wallet?
Well, you do not have to sacrifice food nutrition for the amount of groceries you buy at your local grocery store.  Most stores have a wide variety of fresh produce and frozen vegetables so you have plenty to choose from.  We’ve compiled some shopping tips on how to pick nutritious ingredients so healthy food can get back on your family grocery list.
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