Author Archives: Ksenia Lukacher

Winter Party Food Ideas 15.02.2016

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Entertaining in the winter is a great idea. The weather is chilly, people are dealing with cabin fever, and there is a lull after the New Year’s celebrations are over. So why not mix it up with a winter party centered on everyone’s favorite thing: food?! With items you already have on your shopping list, you can have a wonderful get-together while socializing and nourishing your guests.
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Top 6 Creative Confessions of Love 13.02.2016

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Declaring your love for someone can be downright scary. Plus, what if you want to be romantic and witty as well? Take it from these people, who mastered the art of wooing with their impressive displays of affection. You may want to borrow some of their tips for your Valentine’s Day sweetheart! Even if you can’t manage to swing a full-fledged rock concert proposal or a destination getaway, you can still use these ideas to create your own special moment. Читать дальше “Top 6 Creative Confessions of Love” »

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7 Essentials Every Kitchen Needs 12.02.2016

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There’s nothing worse than returning home hungry and finding you have none of the key ingredients to prepare a satisfying meal. Whether you enjoy experimenting with elaborate dishes or just want to whip up something quickly, there are some essentials your kitchen always needs. The next time you create your shopping list, make sure to include all of the following.
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Make a Fun Room for Your Cat 11.02.2016

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Every day we meet people who, literally, adore animals! They treat them like their own family, and we agree, that is one of the most compassionate ways to express love for an animal. And if we “take a walk” through internet’s zoo, we can see that crazy cat lovers are kind of, the winners in the game “Loving the animals,” aren’t they? If you opened this post, it means that there is a chance that you’re one of them and that’s just great, because we have some fun ideas to share with you!
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Cute Cupcake Ideas 11.02.2016

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Cupcakes are not just for kids; adults can get in on the fun, too! There is always an excuse for a batch of cupcakes, be it a baby shower, a birthday, a graduation…whatever! So here are some cute cupcake ideas that you can whip up in a snap! People will be amazed at your baking skills, but the truth is, these recipes are a piece of cake (pun intended!)

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5 Top Gift Ideas for Your Partner this Valentine’s Day 11.02.2016

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Lovers eagerly wait for Valentine’s Day. It is the most perfect time of the year to exert additional effort to make your partner feel how much you value his/her presence. Although it is important to treat your partner well all year-round, you cannot deny the fact that during this day, you make it a little more extraordinary with a perfect memento by preparing a surprise that will surely be cherished. It is quite a tedious task, but with ample effort and ideas, you can surely come up with something that your partner will sincerely love and appreciate.
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