Author Archives: Ksenia Lukacher

Delicious Sweets from the Balkans 24.02.2016

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The Balkan Peninsula is one big plate of different countries rich with, more or less, the similar culture, habits and tradition. It’s a pity that these countries are mostly known for the Balkan wars, the political conflicts and regimes, but behind this painful past are hidden lots of beautiful things. The Balkan countries merge the most interesting and appealing things – Nature and food.
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10 Mind-Blowing Home Cleaning Hacks 23.02.2016

cleaning hacks

Working smarter is always more effective than working harder. Just like there is the regular long-winding way to clean your home and then there are these simple, effective hacks that make home cleaning seem like a breeze. What’s more, most of them are really clever tricks that work with ingredients already in your cleaning closet or in your pantry, so no additional items to add to your shopping list and they are easy on your wallet too.

Read on to find out more about the hacks that will make home cleaning fun.
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Clothes Shopping Tips 23.02.2016

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If you find yourself using shopping as a distraction when you should be doing something else, then listen up. Rather than turn to retail therapy and deal with the consequences later (hello, maxed-out credit card) follow these simple yet efficient tips for shopping for clothes. Our strategies will keep your closet fresh, your wallet fuller, and your inner shopping diva satisfied! Is your shopping list ready?
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Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 23.02.2016

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Serves: 5
We all love ice cream! What better way to end your day than with some homemade vanilla bean ice cream? Just try to keep this delicious dessert in your freezer for more than a day!
  • Whole milk, 1 c
  • Salt, 1 pinch
  • Sugar, ¾ c
  • Vanilla bean (split lengthwise), 1
  • Heavy cream, 2 c
  • Egg yolks, 5 large
  • Pure vanilla extract, 1 t
  1. In a saucepan, combine the milk, salt, and sugar; heat over medium. Use a paring knife to carefully remove the vanilla bean pod and add it to the milk. Cover the milk mixture, remove from heat, and let sit one hour.
  2. Prepare an ice bath (fill a large bowl halfway with ice water; place a smaller bowl in the large bowl). On top of the smaller bowl, place a sieve and pour in the heavy cream.
  3. In a separate mixing bowl, whisk the egg yolks. Warm the milk mixture; gradually whisk it into the egg yolks. Pour this mixture back into the saucepan; cover; and simmer on low, stirring frequently.
  4. The mixture should become a thick custard; strain it into the heavy cream. Stir this mixture in the ice bath so that it cools. Add the vanilla extract; refrigerate overnight.
  5. Take the vanilla bean pod out and transfer the custard to your ice cream maker. Complete the ice cream according to your ice cream maker’s instructions.


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Yummy and Нealthy Drinks – Make Them Yourself 22.02.2016

healthy drinks

Making healthy choices is not always easy. But when you can get your daily dose of health in the form of a delicious juice, what’s to say no to? A little juice goes a long way when it comes to your health – packed with boundless nutrients that can easily be absorbed by your body.

And the best part is, you can make them yourself! No more adding sugar-filled, artificial-ingredients-stocked juices to your shopping list hoping they stand by their claims. Instead, just raid your refrigerator for the freshest of ingredients, follow the recipes below and be well on your way to holistic health.
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Write your favorite quotes on your room wall 19.02.2016

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Words are powerful; will they be spoken, written or painted is your choice. Have you ever thought of decorating your room exactly with them? Frames and photos, wallpapers, clocks and colored walls are, without doubt, the things that give your home an artistic touch and a spiritual, intelligent atmosphere. But, if you want to be unique and known as the person with the most creative room, think of the title of this article and make the idea become your creative truth. Maybe you already have something similar on your walls, like a wallpaper or photo, but the real avant-garde challenge is to use any material you have at home and to make your room’s walls speak for your great character!

There are few steps you must take, so you can get the perfect quotes wall.
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Reasons Not To Buy Pre-Ground Coffee 19.02.2016

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Every day we turn to our lovely cup of java to replenish our energy, thwart ourselves from dozing off or to boost ourselves. For most of the people, coffee isn’t just about those things but the taste also matters. Whether you make your own coffee or you go to your favorite café, the question might have crossed your mind what makes coffee taste great? Or why does it taste so dull sometimes? The answer lies in another question, why do we grind coffee? It is this question when answered will clear all your dilemmas about the taste of coffee.
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