Category Archives: Buy Me a Pie!

Why Do People Shoplift? 07.08.2013



We talk about shopping a lot here at “Buy Me A Pie!”. That makes sense since “Buy Me A Pie!” is a grocery list app. But there is a side of shopping and stores that isn’t frequently talked about.


Often, when you think about shoplifting you think of criminals who steal to sell the items for profit out on the streets, including to fund a drug habit. But this group accounts for only about 3 percent of shoplifters. There are several reasons beyond that why people shoplift.
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How To Organize Your Grocery List 31.07.2013

grocery list

For some people grocery shopping is a simple or even enjoyable process. For others it feels almost like torture. If you’re not making a proper grocery list, chances are you’re in the second category.

Having a list is an important way to save time and money. But if that list is not well done, it may not be as much help as you would like. You can make a well thought out list that will serve you and make grocery shopping a breeze.
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«Buy Me a Pie!» v3.0 released! 25.07.2013

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Not long ago the total number of downloads of our app grew to over 3 million and the project turned 2 years old on May 30. These two years have been full of so many interesting things and achievements: Apple made us the App of the Week in the Russian App Store, for a long period of time “Buy Me a Pie!” was the No.1 grocery list app in the world, the free version of the application took the first line of top free apps available in the App Store, and this March our team was living and working in Thailand.

Today we’re happy to announce the release of a long-awaited update, the completely new «Buy Me a Pie!» version 3.0!

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Save time by setting up your grocery list in the right order 05.07.2013


For me, this was the most logical thing I had ever heard, yet the hardest thing to do. I would prepare my grocery list at home and add everything to it when it ran out. However, when I would be at the store, I would be wandering from one end to the other, just to get everything on my list. Because my list had everything to do with my home, and nothing with my store.
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«Buy Me a Pie!» Goes Thai 28.05.2013


Russian winter is not just a season – it’s a way of life. Trust us, it’s really cold here in winter months.That’s why this year the «Buy Me a Pie!» team decided to experiment and moved to Koh Samui, Thailand for a month. The idea was to see how the climate change affects efficiency and team spirit. Now that we’re back, and the initial excitement is over, we’ll share our impressions with you.
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Never return home to find out you forgot something 24.05.2013

Image thanks to

Image thanks to

Has this ever happened to you? It has happened to me. After doing my grocery shopping, I got home and found that I had forgotten that one vital ingredient for my meal that evening. And it always seems to happen on days when I really do not have the time to go back and pick up that last ingredient. Which is unfortunate as there is no other option than to turn around and go straight back to the store.

Luckily this is a problem that you don’t ever need to have. Читать дальше “Never return home to find out you forgot something” »

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«Buy Me a Pie!» — one of the world’s most popular grocery lists for iPhone Birth and Growth Story 22.05.2013


from Sergey Bulaev,
CEO & Co-founder of «Buy Me a Pie!»

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Despite the widely spread belief that nearly every promising and persistent developer is destined for immediate success in Silicon Valley, that’s hardly true in real life and happens about as often as winning the lottery. In most cases huge success is built upon a series of little victories for your team from the very beginning. The more time that passes since your last little victory, without a new little one, the less chance you have for huge success.
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