Having a grocery list is certainly a great way to save some money with your weekly expenses, especially if you strictly follow everything you have listed. However, apart from sticking to your budget, coupons are also proven helpful in order for you to lessen your expenses. In fact, most professional coupon users say that they can even save as much as 80% on their budget if you just know how to match all the deals that you can get from your trusted shopping center and online coupon providers. Instead of throwing away of those flyers and just shrugging off those deals that you have seen on websites and social media platforms, why don’t you take advantage of these and start slashing a huge percentage from your budget through couponing?
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Author Archives: Ksenia Lukacher
Sweet Potato Pie 29.02.2016
Spicy, rich, and delectable; this is a sweet potato pie recipe everyone will love. All you need for our sweet potato pie is a
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Fashionable Free-Time Crafts 26.02.2016
Creating fun fashions that you and your friends can wear is a blast (and super-easy.) All you need are some simple items and free time. You can even give these as unique handmade gifts!
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Choosing a Coat Based on Your Body Shape 26.02.2016
Many women know that their body shape can help them choose the perfect clothing. Yet it is not always easy to dress for your body type. Moreover, the colder winter months can make you just want to wrap yourself in a huge parka and call it a day. Well, before you give up, check out these tips for choosing a winter coat based on your body shape. No need for a confusing
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Wonton Soup Recipe 26.02.2016
Classic wonton soup can be made with a short
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Preparing Bento Lunch Boxes for Your Kids 25.02.2016
Kids tend to become picky eaters sometimes. They’d usually want to have just their favorites like fried chicken, hotdogs and eggs, and refuse to eat vegetables and other nutritious meals that you prepare to help them acquire their needed nutrients. Although vitamins and supplements, like Centrum and Flintstone gummies, can be easily added on your grocery list, we cannot deny the fact that the nutrients that they can get from having a healthy meal are more beneficial that all these.
We understand the struggle – you shouting while asking your little one to eat his/her meal or getting frustrated after seeing untouched packed lunch boxes because he/she does not want what you have prepared. So, how can you really make your child eat? How can you combat the fussy eater syndrome? One effective way is by preparing bento lunch boxes.
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Ways to Avoid Plumbing Disaster 25.02.2016
The plumbing system is a basic and substantial part of every decent house. Due to some common mistakes, many homeowners experience plumbing disasters which could otherwise have been easily avoided. Here are some simple tips that will help homeowners can prevent plumbing disaster.
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Zingy and Zesty Zucchini Basil Soup 25.02.2016
Be sure to add zucchini to your
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Take Advantage of Winter Savings 24.02.2016
If you are in the northern hemisphere, then you may have been chattering your teeth for the past couple of months. While we still have some wintertime left ahead of us, there is something to look forward to. Winter savings are still with us, and you can take advantage of some end-of-season clearances. You just need to know where to look! So read our tips, grab your
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Top 8 Post-Workout Snacks 24.02.2016
Whether you’re struggling to increase your muscle mass, can’t seem to meet your weight loss goals, or are otherwise hitting a plateau, the likely culprit is nutrition. Eating well after exercise is essential if you’re to gain the full benefits of your training. Here are some top post-workout snacks to try.
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