5 Most Popular Products According to “Buy Me a Pie!” Statistics 16.09.2015

We’ve always been curious what you, dear readers, really eat. We’ve written a lot about what to eat, and what not to eat, what is delicious and what is easy to cook – but we know that whatever we say, you have your own preferences, habits and cultural peculiarities. So we have analysed the anonymous data on our “Buy Me a Pie!” servers and got top-5 of products, most often added to the grocery lists by our users in 5 countries, in which we have the largest number of users. The result appears to be dazzling – all of us, regardless of country, can not live without 2 products! What are they? And what are other national hits? Let’s see!

most popular products

So, what conclusion can we make? We believe it’s quite obvious: milk and eggs – connecting people!


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