Running Tips for Beginners 07.06.2016

start running

Do you enjoy running, but don’t know how to make it become your habit? Looking for some motivation to start running? Whatever the reason, this article will help you and direct you how to organize your agenda and where to include this sport. Running is known as “the most accessible sport in the world.” And of course it is; running doesn’t require a team or a club, you don’t have to pay a coach, you don’t have to use the hall or to depend on other people. However, this sport requires responsibility and commitment. Here are few running tips for beginners.

First of all, be sure that this is the sport or the hobby you need and want. If you’re a beginner, you’ll need to buy yourself a running gear. Don’t worry, because the shopping list doesn’t have to cost “thousands” of dollars. You can save a bit more money for good and quality sneakers, because running in your old sneakers can lead to injuries. For women, it’s also important to have a good running bra. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on clothes, too; you can run in shorts and an ordinary t-shirt but it’s important to feel comfortable and to wear a material that won’t annoy you.

Like most people who start running and are excited about their decision, you too may be tempted to force yourself. Don’t do that; instead, start walking (20-30 minutes) several days until you feel ready to start with running. Change from walking to running by adding intervals of 3-5 minutes. When you feel tired, keep walking and then get back to running. Increase the running intervals until you reach 30 – 35 minutes. This way, your body will get used to this habit. It’s good to know that you will feel some pain in your legs and the other parts of your body, but you shouldn’t allow yourself to run even after you feel heavy discomfort. Pay attention on your breathing, because if you do it wrong or you “forget” to breathe for a while (yes, some beginners do this mistake unconsciously) then you may feel pain in the abdomen area.

Running is closely linked to quality sleep and proper nutrition. So be responsible and give your body a rest as much as you feel it’s necessary, and fill your food shopping list with with vegetables, fruits and protein-rich meals.

running tips

As for the regularity in running, start with three days a week, then run every other day and when you feel you got stronger, you can continue with running every day. Try to run at least 30 minutes, then gradually increase the duration of your sport.

A suggestion for the running place: parks and trails for running are most suitable, because you won’t expose yourself to fuss or discomfort. Be careful of your safety and don’t run in abandoned or sparsely populated areas.


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