How to Make Natural Fertilizer 23.03.2016

natural fertilizer

Just like people and animals, plants require a variety of nutrients to stay healthy. If your soil lacks these nutrients, you plants have stunted growth or even wither and die. One option is to purchase chemical fertilizers; however, these can actually harm plants and are bad for the environment. A better option is to create your own natural fertilizer, which you can do by adding the following to your shopping list.


The next time you cook fish for dinner, keep the leftovers, including bones, heads, and guts. Put the fish parts into an airtight container and add twice the quantity of water. Keep the mixture outdoors at a distance from your home (to avoid the smell) and stir every other day for two weeks, after which time you can apply to the fertilizer to your garden.

Green Tea

Every four weeks, water your plants with weak green tea. Use one teabag to every two gallons of water.


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Before you crack an egg, wash the shell and keep it for your garden. Crush eggshells and place them around the base of your plants. Not only will this prevent a calcium deficiency, the shards will cut slugs and stop them from destroying your garden. This is an excellent option for combating blossom end rot on tomatoes and pepper plants.


Plants require high amounts of nitrogen, which you can give them by watering with gelatin once per month. Dissolve a package of gelatin in a cup of hot water and add three cups of cold water before giving the mixture to your plants.


Create a beautiful garden simply by switching to filter coffee. Sprinkle the used grounds on the top soil before watering.


Seaweed provides sustenance to microbes, increasing their quantity in the soil. Soak dried seaweed in a bucket of water for a couple weeks. Water small plants with two cups and large plants with six cups of the fertilizer.


Molasses will also increase microbes in soil, in this case by increasing the type of bacteria that acts as a food source for microbes. Stir two tablespoons of molasses in a gallon of water to create a compost tea for your plants.


Before planting, throw one or two banana peels into the hole.

Pet Food

Even cheap cat and dog food contains protein and micronutrients. More importantly than expense, look out for a product with low salt content. Scatter the kibble across your plot, turn the soil, and water. Keep animals away from your flowerbed while the pet food is decaying by placing a layer of cardboard across the soil. Soak the cardboard, cover it with mulch, and continue watering the plot for four weeks before planting.

The next time you go to buy groceries, think of your garden and add foods to your shopping list that will be useful for creating natural fertilizer. Experiment with different fertilizers to find the one that works best for your plants.


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