Lose Weight and Still Eat the Foods You Love 01.03.2016

 intermittent fasting

It’s taking the world by storm! At last there’s a diet that lets you eat the foods you love. People who have struggled with their weight for years are losing weight and (here’s the important bit!) keeping it off. It’s all down to intermittent fasting. Yes, you heard right: fasting! But don’t worry, you only need fast for 2 or 3 days each week, and once you’ve dropped to your desired weight, you can keep the weight off by restricting your calories for just 1 day out of 7. And on the non-fasting days you can eat what you like!

What is meant by fasting?

Will you need to go without any food at all on fasting days? Mercifully that’s not the case at all. If you are following the 5:2 version of this diet (i.e. “fasting” for 2 days, eating what you like for 5) then on the fast days you restrict yourself to between 500-600 calories.
So how difficult is it on the fast days? Actually, once they’ve got past the first 2 fasts, most people find it really easy. You’ll only need to make slight adjustments to your grocery list. Get in some oat or cereal bars for breakfast, at around 200-300 calories each. Then for lunch you could make up the 300 calories left with delicious sushi, a small chicken salad or a warming vegetable soup. Then just fast until the next day, when you can eat what you like.

Getting through the first few fasts

intermittent fasting diet

You will probably experience hunger pangs, but these will pass. Just make sure you drink a lot of water. Some people may even get headaches on the first few fasting days. Don’t worry about headaches. They are probably a sign that your body is getting rid of toxins. Plan a little treat to take your mind off your hunger. Try a sauna or a relaxing massage. Mindfulness meditation may help you to relax. You will soon discover that hunger pangs pass. Remind yourself that you can eat what you want the next day.

The psychology – why this diet works

The fact that you can eat what you want on most days is the main reason this diet is so easy to follow long-term. With a bit of planning you can still eat-out with friends, have gourmet restaurant meals and cook all your favorite dishes, provided it’s not a fast day!

Can this diet actually be good for you? Scientific studies are starting to associate intermittent fasting with all kinds of unexpected health benefits. It helps reduce blood sugar levels and might prevent type-2 diabetes. It has even been linked to lower rates of heart disease and cancer in some studies. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try!


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