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Pancakes – one of those words that make you transform to Pavlov’s dog. Again and again. This text won’t criticise your weight, nor will advise you to reduce your intake of sweet and / or savory delights. Instead, here are some great ideas on how to surprise your friends with some different pancakes.
We’ll start with the
Sweet pancakes
2016-04-26 09:28:49
For pancakes
- Flour 1 ½ cup
- Baking powder 3 ½ tsp.
- White sugar 1 ½ tbsp.
- Salt ½ tsp.
- Milk 1 ¼ cups
- Eggs 2
- Oil
- Melted butter 3 tbsp.
For filling
- White chocolate 80 gr.
- Dark chocolate 80 gr.
- White chocolate (for decoration) 50 gr.
Add ingredients to shopping list
If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
- In a bowl, add the dry ingredients and mix them. Make a hole in the middle and add the eggs, the melted butter and the milk. Mix all of the ingredients until they make a smooth mixture. Put the frying pan on a preheated stove, moderately add the oil and with a big spoon or a ladle, pour a certain amount of the mixture. Don’t let the pancake stick to the pan and bake until brown on both sides.
Filling and decoration
- On a pre-heated stove, put two separate pots and melt the white and the dark chocolate. Fill a plastic cooking syringe with the chocolate (white, then black) and on each of the pancakes draw lines with it. Cover the melted chocolate combination with crushed white chocolate. Fold the pancake in half and serve warm.
Buy Me a Pie!

Savory pancakes
2016-04-26 09:32:00

For pancakes
- Flour 100 gr.
- Milk 300 ml.
- Eggs 2
- Oil 2 tbsp.
- Sparkling water ½ glass
For filling
- Mushrooms (easy fried) 500 gr.
- Broccoli (parboiled and finely chopped) 2 pieces
- Cheese (by choice) 400 gr.
- Black olives (chopped) 200 gr.
- Cream cheese 85 gr.
Add ingredients to shopping list
If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
- Add the flour in a bowl and mix it with the other ingredients until you reach the desired density.
- Put the pan on a pre-heated stove and add oil. Bake the pancakes until brown on both sides.
- Cover the pancakes with piece of aluminum foil and a dishcloth to keep them warm.
- With spoon, spread the cream cheese over one pancake. Put the ingredients over the cream, making lines with each of them so that you get a certain pattern.
- Repeat with every pancake, wrap them and cut into 2cm pieces. Serve warm on plate.
Buy Me a Pie!
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