Author Archives: Sonia Leiter

It’s Summertime And The Grillin’ Is Easy 25.07.2013


We are right in the middle of prime grilling season. Warm summer nights just seem to call us to fire up the grill. It certainly is more appealing than heating up the house by turning on the oven.

Hamburgers and hot dogs are grilling staples but there is far more to be cooked up. Break out of your grilling rut with some of these flavorful and creative options.
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Unexpected Dinner Guests? No Need To Panic 23.07.2013


We’ve all had that moment. You know the one, when someone unexpectedly shows up at your door to visit. Of course it’s lovely to see them but there is one problem… what do you feed them? Perhaps they only intended to drop by for a bit, as they just happen to be in the neighborhood. But often, time spent with friends moves very quickly and next thing you know everyone is getting hungry.

If you’re like me you put a lot of planning into your meals so impromptu dinner guests can be a bit stressful. But there are ways to take the stress out of the situation and simply enjoy your guests while still feeding them well.
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Vitamin C: Why You Need It And How To Get More 18.07.2013


We have all heard that we are supposed to pile on the vitamin C when we’re under the weather. But vitamin C isn’t just for sick people. As a matter of fact, vitamin C is an important part of keeping many parts of your body healthy.


Vitamin C is a key nutrient needed to produce the protein collagen, which gives skin its strength and firmness. It also aids in the growth of blood vessels and cells. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps skin to repair itself and slows free-radical damage. Free-radicals can lead to dry skin, fine lines and wrinkles. Research has shown that vitamin C can reverse skin damage and reduce chances and effects of sunburn.
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Spicy, Savory, or Sweet: Makeover Your Popcorn 16.07.2013


Popcorn is a simple and delicious snack to keep around. But don’t bother with those pre-made microwave popcorn packages. They are loaded with nasty chemicals and artificial ingredients (delete them off of your grocery list app NOW). You can easily make plain popcorn at home and then dress it up any way you like.

Start with a big pack of unpopped popcorn kernels. A friend recently told me there were about 8-10 different varieties of popping corn when she went to a local farm store. Oh the possibilities! Maybe you can buy a few kinds and have fun deciding which you like best.
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Fat Is Your Friend: Four Ways to Add Healthy Fat To Your Diet 12.07.2013


Fat has been a bad word in the world of food for a while now. Everyone is quite afraid of consuming fat for fear of becoming fat. But the thing is, fat doesn’t make you fat. Seriously. You NEED fat.

Fat gives you energy and keeps you satisfied. And some fatty foods that were once deemed unhealthy contain important nutrients. Other nutrients are fat soluble and therefore need to be consumed with fats for your body to absorb them.

This doesn’t mean you should fill your grocery list app with every package of food with a high fat content and chow down. Not all fat is created equal and high calories and high sugar still can make you fat. There are excellent sources of healthy fats that you should add to your diet.
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Road Trip Ready: What To Eat 09.07.2013



If you’ve ever taken a car trip you know that eventually you’re going to get hungry. And if you’re traveling with children it seems as if they are hungry the entire drive. Stopping to eat can be a huge waste of time as well as become quite costly.

You can plan ahead to have plenty of snacks on hand but it’s important to choose foods that travel well. You don’t want messy, drippy foods or things that need heated. Simple, hand-held foods, preferably that don’t require utensils, are best.
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No Time For Breakfast? No More Excuses! 03.07.2013


We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Of course it’s wise to start your long and busy day with a healthful meal to keep you going. But sometimes we wake up late or are keeping such a tight schedule that breakfast gets pushed aside. How can you make sure you start your day right without spending a lot of time preparing a good breakfast?
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How To Eat Well At The Office 19.06.2013

If work keeps you so busy you find yourself grabbing fast food and heading back to the office at lunch time, or sneaking off to the vending machine in the afternoon, it’s time to pack some healthy food to take with you.

The right foods can keep you satisfied and energized for your day. The alternatives can have you bloated, sleepy, hungry or crashing from a sugar rush.

For many people the idea of not only having to figure out what to take but then prepare and bring it, can be somewhat overwhelming. But you don’t need to bring complicated food for it to be healthy.
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You CAN Grocery Shop With Kids and Stay Sane…I Promise! 10.06.2013

Boy with shopping cart

For some of us, going grocery shopping alone feels like a much needed vacation. However, sometimes that respite just isn’t feasible. So how can you make grocery shopping with your kids in tow a little bit easier?

I have four kids and run an in-home daycare (and sometimes need to take my daycare kiddo shopping with me) so I know how challenging it can be. I’ve got a few tips that can help you get the groceries while keeping your sanity in tact.
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