Author Archives: Arne Hulstein

Save time by setting up your grocery list in the right order 05.07.2013


For me, this was the most logical thing I had ever heard, yet the hardest thing to do. I would prepare my grocery list at home and add everything to it when it ran out. However, when I would be at the store, I would be wandering from one end to the other, just to get everything on my list. Because my list had everything to do with my home, and nothing with my store.
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Save time shopping by not trying to rush it 31.05.2013

smart shopping@image

There are a number of best practices when you do your shopping. And I would love to share them with you through this blog over the coming weeks. They are all things that I have learned myself through years of unnecessarily long shopping trips and coming home with the wrong things at the wrong times. The good thing is that this was just me. I am sure you have never experienced this, and by the time you have read all the posts I am going to write, you never will.

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Never return home to find out you forgot something 24.05.2013

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Has this ever happened to you? It has happened to me. After doing my grocery shopping, I got home and found that I had forgotten that one vital ingredient for my meal that evening. And it always seems to happen on days when I really do not have the time to go back and pick up that last ingredient. Which is unfortunate as there is no other option than to turn around and go straight back to the store.

Luckily this is a problem that you don’t ever need to have. Читать дальше “Never return home to find out you forgot something” »

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