Five Tips to Decorate Your Home like a Pro 17.02.2016

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While most of the home decoration should be done by a professional, consider adding some small touches that will greatly improve the final look. It is important to note that you are the one living in your house, and not everything done by the decorator can reflect your needs, so some minor adjustments may be necessary. We have briefly outlined some tips for home decoration below.

1. Choose favorite colors

Choose favorite colors for other occupants and you; to ensure this, consult them before making the changes. This may require you to repaint your rooms, and change household items occasionally. While doing these, avoid mixing too many colors, a simple 2-3 color combo is enough. If you are not expert in painting, contract a specialist, tell him/her your needs, and leave the rest to him/her.

2. Avoid monotony

Monotony is one aspect that no one ever likes. While decorating make sure you use different styles, because sticking to one style will create monotony. Learn how to style and mix different looks to give best looks, because mixing wrongly may be disastrous. Next time you go shopping for home items, make sure your shopping list contains variety of items.

3. Add some little touches

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In the art of decoration, every little detail matters a lot. Just one simple addition can make your interior very lively. Better still, the items to add need not be expensive, after all there is no guarantee that an expensive item you spent several days looking for in stores, will appeal to occupants of the house. Make sure anything you add is appealing to all occupants, for example, you cannot add a flower to which one of the occupants is allergic.

4. Research

Get more decoration ideas by researching widely, remember the more ideas you have, the higher are chances you will do the right thing. Some valuable sources of information to research are books, magazines, and internet, learning from others is also very important. Try to be creative enough, and decorate your home in a manner that is unique and appealing, to occupants and visitors alike.

5. Consider one-offs

Your shopping list should include unique, antique items/pieces. Do not include an item just for the sake of it; make sure it has some meaning, such as refreshing memories of an important event, or symbolizing someone/something important. This is where simplicity comes in; consider simple items that have meaning, other than expensive, beautiful items that do not have much meaning. Be creative and original!


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